Top Social Media Marketing Tips for Tech Start-ups

Vinesh Soam
2 min readJul 5, 2021


As most of the users are connected online, social media can be used in a powerful way for brands and businesses to reach out to more people.

The pandemic has opened up new doors for businesses. Many conventional businesses have resorted to online as a way to continue their businesses. If you are new to digital marketing, looking to sell your products online and expand your business, you might need a little help.

digital advertising agency in Gurgaon

You can hire an experienced digital advertising agency in Gurgaon like Korra Worldwide Advertising Pvt. Ltd. to market your products for you. They offer 360-degree digital marketing solutions customized for your brand.

As the best digital advertising agency in Gurgaon, Korra can help you to leverage the tremendous opportunity of social media to reach out to potential customers. Check out these social media marketing tips:

Brand-Specific Content

Social media digital marketing platforms can be used to increase your business visibility and increase website traffic. To get started, create social media profiles for your business and start networking with potential customers. By applying a social media strategy, it will help you significantly increase your brand recognition. A digital marketing agency can help you to engage with your audience and bring in potential customers.

Search Engine Optimization

Social media presence plays a vital role in calculating rankings. These days, to secure a successful ranking, SEO requirements are continuously varying. Businesses sharing their content on social media are sending out a brand signal to search engine that speaks to your brand value and mission.

Interact with Your Audience

For an advertising strategy, social media marketing is possibly the most cost-effective way. Creating an account and signing up is free for almost all social networking platforms. You can hire a dedicated social media manager to manage and moderate all your social media accounts. Start with a small budget and gradually grow to a bigger budget with an increased conversion rate.

Engage & Grow Your Target Audience

There are two sets of customers- dormant and active. Create convincing content to boost customer engagement. Keep your interactions with customers relevant and informative. When you respond to your customers, they feel valued. Reward your loyal customers with discounts, loyalty cards, and offers. Ask your loyal customers to promote your brand message.

Be Creative

Use social media platforms to promote brand content and increase your website traffic. By sharing your content on social media, you are giving users a reason to click-through to your website. Hire an expert team of content creators to promote brand awareness through Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

These are just some generic tips to get you started on social media marketing. Choose one key platform to test your brand or product before resorting to all major social media platforms.

